The key competencies you need to survive and thrive in your next entrepreneurial endeavor.
Bridgette explores Entrepreneurship as a persistent state of mind and fuel for driving significant value creation and change within a company, industry, or community. Entrepreneurs learn to differentiate their ventures and insulate them from failure with key growth strategies, branding strategies, bootstrapping strategies. Bridgette will nurture the key competencies a successful entrepreneur must possess to manage sweat equity, suppliers, customer acquisition, product launch, liquidity, and assembling a scalable business model ready for exit.
Using agile and situational leadership to build confidence, loyalty, and competitive advantage in difficult times.
Change is ubiquitous and unforgiving to those who ignore what the future holds. Leaders and entrepreneurs learn how to get in front of the demand curve and lead during challenging and transformational times. Bridgette introduces a roadmap for leaders challenged to bring forth transformation, innovation, and continuous improvement. Leading when times are good is a very different challenge than leading when the building is on fire. Bridgette has led numerous organizations through transformation and change over the past twenty years. In her exciting and motivating keynote, Bridgette shares her successful roadmap with corporate leaders and entrepreneurs designed to help them restore short-term profitability, inject stability in your operation and culture, and plan for long-term growth.
Insulate against failure by empowering your best asset, your people.
After an award-winning career focused on turning around troubled and underperforming companies, Bridgette has embarked on a mission to help businesses and their leadership insulate against failure and avoid the need to bring in a turnaround specialist. The strategies embedded in Bridgette’s best selling book, Profitable Problem Solving, empower the collective capabilities of the intre-preneurs that drive success for a company on every level.
Are you ready to be motivated and inspired? Bridgette introduces her highly effective approach to increasing collaboration, stimulating problem-solving when issues are still simple and inexpensive to fix, and nurture a thriving culture that can be a competitive advantage. For smart, entrepreneurial company leaders ready to build on their best asset, their people; Bridgette’s keynote is a must-have for your next employee meeting.
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